Lindsey & John || Pawtuckaway Lake

Capturing Lindsey and John’s fall engagement at Pawtuckaway was a photographer's dream—a canvas painted with nature's vibrant hues, setting the stage for love to shine. With the NH foliage on full display, each image tells a story of romance amidst a breathtaking backdrop of fiery reds and golden yellows. The crisp air added a touch of magic, enhancing every intimate moment shared between them. As a photographer, freezing these moments in time feels like preserving a piece of the season's fleeting beauty, creating timeless treasures that reflect both love and the stunning essence of autumn. Here are a few from my time spent with Lindsey and Jon, a super chill couple whose connection and ease in front of the camera translated into a super fun shoot. Looking forward to their Wentworth Inn wedding in Jackson, NH next fall! enjoy.

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